Need some answers about the Highland Charter for Climate, Nature & Health?

  • Signing the charter demonstrates commitment to contributing to Highland becoming a region where:

    • Businesses, public bodies, third sector organisations, communities and individuals are committed to, and engaged in, making a just transition towards net zero and supporting a climate ready Scotland.

    • Our responsibility to care for the natural environment is recognised and acted on, so that our habitats, ecosystems and species are diverse, thriving, resilient and adapting to climate change.

    • The natural environment is valued as essential for people’s health and wellbeing. Individuals and communities are able to connect with and enjoy nature wherever they live.

  • The Charter is for everyone, including businesses, organisations, community groups and individuals. Signing the Charter shows a commitment to its broad vision and gives an undertaking to work towards a Highland that is in good health for climate, nature and people.

  • When you sign the Charter, you commit to take at least one action that is positive for climate, nature and health, and will report back to us each year on how you are meeting that commitment.

    Some of the ways in which charter signatories will contribute to these ambitious aims are by:

    • Contributing to a just transition that reduces our impact on climate and adapts to future change

    • Caring for Highland nature, so that habitats, ecosystems and species are thriving, resilient and adapting to climate change

    • Promoting the benefits of nature and the outdoors for people’s health and wellbeing

    • Providing access to green and blue natural health opportunities for all

  • All signatories will be issued a media pack and template with tips and ideas on how you can share progress with us. We may also request feedback from time to time.

  • We collect your data so we can:

    • Publish a list of signatories on our website (optional and names only)

    • Email you with our latest news on the charter progress and any associated initiatives and events

    We will only use your data for the nature you intended, and we will not share this with any third parties. For more details please see our privacy policy.